Elderly People are Needy too!

Our Mercy Mission picture would be very incomplete without that of many people who, like the babes and the teenagers, are in need of love and care.
At the hospital gate sits dear old Bunica (Granny) who comes weekly about sixty miles by train, to collect food and money for eight grandchildren. Daily I meet the grannies and granddads who stay in the Rehabilitation Unit with a physically handicapped child. One outstanding case was that of Andreea. She was paralysed after a car accident in which both parents were killed. For months her grandparents stayed with her and, day by day their caring was rewarded by Andreea's return to health. How tired they looked at times but they persevered despite the pain they suffered through the terrible tragedy.
Grandparents caring for little ones in the Oncology Department also, instead of being able to relax and enjoy well deserved peace, have new challenges in their lives. I am so impressed on seeing, daily, these elderly people taking care, without reserve, of their disable grandchildren.
The price they pay for this sacrifice is only their tears
always well hidden.
In a house for elderly people which we visit, again, we were impressed by the fact that any gifts we brought to the residents gave them new life and happiness. To sit and talk with them and listen to their stories or look at the results of their use of wool which we had brought them all gave them joy and helped them feel less isolated.
It is so comforting to share with these people the suffering and experiences of their lives. Every time they show us, with the same emotion old photos of the departed members of their family.
Their memory is still fresh even though their body may be feeble.
God be with them in this period of their lives.

At the church gate, daily, stands a poor elderly lady who never asks but is always grateful for food or even a little money.

Another elderly parishioner has taken on board to bring up a grandson whose parents both rejected him.
Twenty one elderly people have been named by the Parish priest as very needy people. For each of these we are happy to provide a hot meal daily.

Yes elderly people are needy!

Sister Mary Aloysius